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PUP launches the first natural farming agrotourism exhibit, Kabukiran sa Pulilan

September 28, 2015
PUP students explain the new way of processing meat that is healthier and delicious using only natural ingredients.

An agritourism exhibit "‚€‚œKabukiran sa Pulilan"‚€‚ organized by the Polytechnic Univierity of the Philippines, Pulilan Chapter called was held on September 24, 2015 at the Rizal park by the Municipality of Pulilan, Bulacan in Poblacion. The exhibit is a submission to the Grand Innovation Exhibit 2015: Towards Social Capital and Innovation.

PUP Pulilan programs aim to demonstrate new innovative agricultural practices using an integrated and sustainable system of natural farming. Among the products exhbited include Herb, vegetable and seed production, strawberry growing, organic fertilier and concoctions, hybrid natural farmed pigs and chickens, aquaphonics, oyster mushrrom growing, carabaos milk processing and fruit and meat processing.

Monique Caleon, a Business Entrepreneur student of PUP Pulilan Campus explains the aquaphonics technology that make use of less water to propagate tilapia and lettuce in your backyard. 

  1. This acquaponics is a combination of tilapia and lettuce. It comes from aquaculture for fish and hydroponics for plants. It uses cultivation of aquatic plants to re-circulate the environment in creating a mini ecosystem. Aquaponics gardening uses 90% less water than soil based gardening. It can be set up anywhere because it does not rely on the availability of good soil. This is a organic and doesn't require weeding so it is sustainable and cost-effective.
  2. Judy Ann, Entrepreneur student demonstrate the oyster mushroom growing hut. Oyster Mushroom / abalome mushroom is one of the most popular mushroom grown all over the world. The characteristics of fan-shaped cap of an oyster mushroom comes on shade of white, gray, blue, pink and yellow adding visual interest to accompany its delicate flavor. Its health benefits include antioxidant and anti bacterial properties.
  3. Students presented their natural and chemical free garlic flavored longganisa and chicken tocino and turmeric rice that was sold out in 4 hours. Based on a survey conducted, most of the customers responded positively and rated the product better than the off the market shelf longanisa especially because of the freshness and use of natural ingredients.
  4. PUP Students learn farm management from watering, preparing and appplying fertilizers to the herbs and vegetables.  Herbs are small plants used as medicines as to flavor food. Herbs are healthy and chemical free because of its natural farming practices. Herbs are easy to grow and most of the herbs do best in full sun but there are few that will tolerate spatial shade. Product that were made by the students comes natural and chemical free.
  5. Vegetables like bitter gourd is widely known to lower down blood sugar level. Benefits of bitter gourd is that it can be use as anti-cancer, antioxidant, effective weigh loss and good for the heart. This Atsara is made of natural process vegetables such as bitter gourd, carrots and bell peppers. This were harvested on the farm that uses natural farming.
  6. Sarah Silvestre, Entrepreneur student volunteer to perform making the choco milk with the assistance of CLSU field instructor. Last July 22, 2015 a seminar on Carabaos Milk Processing held at Tenejero Pulilan Bulacan in cooperation of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) is attended by PUP Pulilan Chapter, Entrepreneur students. The seminar gives ideas to the students on how to produce different product from carabao™s milk. Product that they produce was kesong puti (in vinegar and rennet), pastillas and choco milk.
  7. Shella Ramos, leader of the group, explain and lead the tour around the farm in Tenejero, Pulilan, Bulacan.  A dry run tour in the farm happened last September 22, 2015 to showcase the farm and seek suggestion for further improvements. Feedbacks were taken positively by the student and applied immediately for the beautification of the farm. From different areas, little by little were transform to much better look.